World War 2: A collection of U.S. government documents

Health and sanitation program: agreement between the United States of America and Peru: effected by exchange of notes, signed at Washington, May 9 and 11, 1942. Click on image to see the document.

The digital collection World War 2, available at the website of the U.S National Library of Medicine includes more than 1,500 federal, state, and local government publications.

Among the variety of materials

included are government reports, first aid manuals, informational pamphlets, and recruitment materials that demonstrate the efforts of government, military personnel, health professionals, and scientists, among others, on the home front and overseas during and immediately following the Second World War.

Highlights of this collection include:

See in Manguinhos:

Pasqualini, Mauro. Un enigma llamado Agostino Gemelli: catolicismo, fascismo y psicoanálisis en la Italia de entreguerras. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Dic 2016, vol.23, no.4, p.1059-1075. ISSN 0104-5970

Arrizabalaga, Jon. Humanitarismo, guerra e innovación tecnológica: el caso de Cruz Roja Española. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Set 2016, vol.23, no.3, p.825-827. ISSN 0104-5970

Martínez, Francisco Javier. Estado de necesidad: la Cruz Roja Española en Marruecos, 1886-1927Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Set 2016, vol.23, no.3, p.867-886. ISSN 0104-5970

Allevi, José Ignacio. Sociabilidades, redes y circulación de saberes en la conformación de un “ámbito psi” en la Argentina de entreguerras (Santa Fe, 1919-1943). Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Jun 2016, vol.23, no.2, p.543-550. ISSN 0104-5970

Wulf, Stefan. The Revista Médica project: medical journals as instruments of German foreign cultural policy towards Latin America, 1920-1938Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Mar 2013, vol.20, no.1, p.181-201. ISSN 0104-5970


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