Horizons and challenges

André Felipe Cândido da Silva and Marcos Cueto are the new science editors of História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos. Read the letter on forthcoming pathways.

Childbirth in early republican Peru

Adam Warren discusses the transfer of French knowledge about professional midwifery to Peru with reference to the social, political, and cultural context.

The Medical Officer of Health reports

The complete medical history of London from 1848-1972 is available online in the Wellcome Library’s website.

WHO and UNHCR issue new Guide on mental health in humanitarian emergencies

As Nepal struggles to deal with the physical aftermath of the recent earthquake, the country also has to deal with a rise in mental health disorders triggered by the disaster.

The abolition of the slave trade

With the help of the material gathered on this site, it becomes clear that the eradication of the international slave trade was a long, arduous, and tortuous process that spanned almost nine decades.

La salud pública y la enfermería en la Argentina

El libro de Karina Ramacciotti, Carolina Biernart y Juan Manuel Cerdá reúne los principales debates en la historia social de la salud y la enfermedad en Argentina.

Mundos del Trabajo en Transformación

Edited by the Institute of Social History, this book is the result of a seminar held in La Paz-Bolivia about the recent changes in labour.

Global smallpox eradication

This project of the Department of History at the University of York offers information and interviews about the international efforts to eradicate smallpox.

Brazilian historical pictures online

A joint project of Biblioteca Nacional and Instituto Moreira Salles gathers together pictures of different aspects of Brazilian history.

Cervical cancer in Brazil

Despite the dissemination of preventive measures, cervical cancer remains a serious problem in Brazil.