Opening the archives project

The project aims to digitize 100,000 U.S. government documents on Brazil from 1960-80 and make them available to the public on an open-access website.

The Cambridge History of Religions in Latin America

This recently launched book covers religious history in Latin America from pre-Conquest times until the present.

Nuevo número de Culturas Psi

El número temático “Prácticas psiquiátricas y cultura de la subjetividad en España, siglos XIX y XX” está disponible online.

Blog project relates gender and medicine

Nursing Clio is a an open access, peer-reviewed, collaborative blog project that ties historical scholarship to present-day issues related to gender and medicine.

Madres solteras y protección estatal en Chile

El sitio web de la Biblioteca Nacional de Chile reúne informaciones sobre el problema materno-infantil como un asunto de salud pública.

IsisCB Explore: Open Access research tool for the history of science

Built specifically for history of science research, this website offers an index of bibliographic citations to books, chapters, articles and historical concepts.

Through the Brazilian Wilderness

The book, fully available online, is an account of the scientific expedition of Theodore Roosevelt and Cândido Rondon through the Brazilian Amazon in 1913-1914.

Liberalism in the Americas

This digital archive traces the rise and consolidation of liberal ideology and practice in Latin America during the long nineteenth century.

La medicina colonial chilena

El sitio web de la Biblioteca Nacional de Chile reúne informaciones sobre la lucha contra las epidemias durante la Colonia.

Nuevas miradas a la historia de la infancia en América Latina

El conjunto de ensayos que reúne esta obra pretende analizar y reconstituir el mundo de las representaciones y prácticas de los niños latinoamericanos.