Oceans and seas – new edition of HCS Manguinhos

See the summary of the new edition of the Journal. The issue July-Sept is “Oceans and seas: history, science, policy”.

Eradication efforts against global disease will be the focus of an exhibition

Countdown to Zero, a new exhibition about scientific and social innovations that are ridding the world of ancient afflictions, will open at the American Museum of Natural History on January 13, 2015.

European knowlege and local medical practices in India

Kapil Raj, associated professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, will lecture at Fiocruz next Thursday, August 14h.

Challenges to the publishers of humanities in scientific journalism and social networks

Reflections and experiences

Ethical editing practices and the problem of self-plagiarism

An author is considered to have committed self-plagiarism when he reuses his own previously published material, without making any reference to the earlier published work. By Ernesto Spinak.