Diplomats in the laboratory

A project of our editor André Felipe Cândido da Silva investigates scientific exchanges between Brazil and Nazi Germany

Call for research projects

The EU-LAC Foundation call for research projects of relevance for the relationship between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean is now open.

Breastfeeding week. 1-7 August 2015

According to the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group, If every child was breastfed within an hour of birth, given only breast milk for their first six months of life, and continued breastfeeding up to the age of two years, about 800 000 child lives would be saved every year.

Call for papers: History of psycotherapy

Aug 2015 The journal History of Psychology, a journal of the American Psychological Association invites submissions for a special issue on the history of psychotherapy in North and South America.  The history of psychotherapy is a topic that cuts across disciplines and cultures. In North America, psychotherapy pre-dates Freud in the faith healing and liberal...

Jornadas sobre erradicación: Viruela y poliomielitis

Acceda al programa de la Universidad de Castilla y La Mancha para saber más sobre estas jornadas interdisciplinares entre el 2-3 de julio de 2015.

Brazil’s Family Health Strategy — An article by James Macinko and Matthew J. Harris

In this article James Macinko and Matthew J. Harris explain how Brazil has made rapid progress toward universal coverage of its population through its national health system, the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).

2014 Medical History publications and projects under the spotlight

On 30 May – 1 June 2015 The Canadian Society for the History of Medicine held its 11th Annual Conference highlighting books and other major projects that have come out in the preceding year.

A new book series underlines current tensions on Digital Humanities

Encompassing technologies, research methods, opportunities for collaborative scholarship and open-source peer review, and innovative ways of sharing knowledge and teaching, DH promises to transform the liberal arts and the university.

Procesos socio-ambientales en el Gran Caribe desde 1492

Curso con Reinaldo Funes Monzote de la Universidad de La Habana. El programa incluye temas fundamentales de la historia ambiental del Caribe desde la llegada de los europeos en América.

The Medical Officer of Health reports

The complete medical history of London from 1848-1972 is available online in the Wellcome Library’s website.