A summary of our activities in 2022

Ago 2023

História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, Volume: 30, Published: 2023

In the most recent editor’s note of volume 30 of HCS-Manguinhos, the journal’s scientific editor, Marcos Cueto, submits a summary of our activities in 2022.

Cueto highlights the supplement about the history of animals, “Unbalanced reciprocities: the history of relationships between animals,” published in our volume 28, which had many accesses to its texts. According to the editor, its wide repercussion is due to the growing holistic interest in the future of life on earth, which interweaves the understanding and care of the environment, nature, and human beings. 

Its editors were Regina Horta Duarte, professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), Gabriel Lopes, from the House of Oswaldo Cruz (Casa de Oswaldo Cruz), Natascha Stefania Carvalho De Ostos, from the René Rachou Institute or Fiocruz Minas (Instituto René Rachou/Fiocruz Minas), and Nelson Aprobato Filho, from the University of São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo).

So of significant impact was the dossier “Material culture of Ibero-American science: museums, gardens, and scientific cabinets,” organized by researchers Carolina Valenzuela from the University of Chile (Universidad de Chile) and María Gabriela Mayoni from the University of Buenos Aires (Universidad de Buenos Aires). The dossier intends to strengthen a network of regional researchers on topics such as the production and circulation of knowledge around museums, gardens, and scientific offices in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula.

The letter highlights the special issue “Transcultural histories of psychotherapies: new narratives,” organized by Professors Sonu Shamdasani and Cristiana Facchinetti. It presents the complexities of the circulation and exchange of mental health knowledge and practices in Argentina, Brazil, the USA, Italy, Japan, and Switzerland. This issue expresses a productive collaborative agreement dating back to 2016 between the University College London, where Sonu Shamdasani is a professor, and Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, where Cristiana Facchinetti is a researcher.

Read the full letter!

The history of relationships between animals This dossier brings together a diversity of themes, authors, institutions, and methodological approaches on the history of animals, especially in Latin America.

Cultura material de la ciencia Iberoamericana El dossier pretende fortalecer una red de investigadores regionales sobre temas como la producción y circulación de conocimiento en torno a museos, jardines y gabinetes científicos en América Latina y la Península Ibérica.

Transcultural histories of psychotherapies: new narratives Medical doctors from several schools started to use the term “psychotherapies” to define therapies that sought moral treatment, cure of automatism, persuading or producing catharsis, affecting body, mind and unconscious.


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