Las locuras puerperales en Argentina y Colombia, 1880-1950

“Difícil es pensar este trastorno sin la histeria como discurso dominante,” dicen los autores Emilio Vaschetto y Jairo Gutiérrez.

The International Labor Organisation and the struggle for universal health coverage

This article published in the dossier “The meanings of global public health” examines the efforts of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to extend medical care under social security through international conventions, advocacy and technical assistance. We asked a few questions to its author, Martin Gorsky, about ILO’s contributions to global health, the organization’s power in a neoliberal era, and its role in the Covid-19 pandemic.

A history of vaccination in Latin America

From polio to smallpox, from covid-19 to Malaria we have gathered all the articles about vaccine and vaccination already published in HCS-Manguinhos.

Nísia Trindade Lima was appointed for a second term as President of Fiocruz

We wish her success in conducting the institution in these difficult times. The institution, under her leadership, has played an important role in the fight against COVID-19.

Salud y inmigración en Argentina, 1930-1950

En un artículo publicado en la Revista de Indias, Salud, inmigración y ayuda mutua en Argentina: el Centro Gallego de Buenos Aires entre la crisis y la emergencia de un nuevo sistema sanitario (1930-1950), publicado en el último número de la Revista de Indias, María Liliana Da Orden, de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, pone en diálogo la historiografía de las migraciones europeas a la Argentina con las investigaciones de historia de la salud.

La elaboración de vacuna y suero durante la gripe española en Argentina

Dec 2021 Compartimos el reciente artículo de Adrián Carbonetti publicado en la revista Dynamis, de la Universidad de Granada, sobre la elaboración en Argentina de suero y vacuna contra la gripe española en un contexto de subordinación...

Reviewing history

Three years ago we launched a new section in our journal: historiographical review. Since then we published four historiographical reviews on topics such as International exhibitions, feminism in the history of science, yellow fever in Latin America and environmental history in Brazil.

The fabulous 1930s in the history of science and technology

This special issue offers a good glance at the 1930s historiographical richness. Check it out!