Franco Basaglia: biography of a revolutionary

The psychiatrist Franco Basaglia dedicated his life to the struggle against the violence of mental institutions.

Fiocruz mourns the death of doctor José Roberto Ferreira

FIOCRUZ mourns the death of co-founder and joint coordinator of the Center for International Relations in Health (CRIS/FIOCRUZ).

Understanding social and cultural values through homeopathy

Interview with Dr. Jethro Hernández, who examines how homeopaths irrupted in the Mexican medical profession.

Una historia por contar: las raíces de la homeopatía en Perú

Para la investigadora Patricia Palma, aún hay muchos caminos por desvendar en la historia de la homeopatía en el país.

Ensp/Fiocruz researcher Ricardo Ventura Santos elected senior member of the ABC

He is the first researcher from Fiocruz to be elected senior member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

HCS-Manguinhos team celebrates its latest issue

Gathered at the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the team proudly launches the journal’s latest issue.

Guest editors’ note: In defense of sources in uncertain times

At a time when open science is being discussed, the study and dissemination of sources is gaining new momentum for providing greater visibility and transparency to research. The journal accepts contributions on a rolling basis.

Histories of homeopathy in Latin America and Spain

This dossier explores homeopathy in the region through its actors, institutions, therapies and circulation of knowledge.