Successes and setbacks in the fight against Aids

The medical anthropologist Richard Parker, professor at Columbia University, examines the social and political aspects of HIV/AIDS in Latin America.

The Rise and Decline of History Specializations over the Past 40 Years

The field with the largest proportional expansion was environmental history.

Public health and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean

Magali Romero Sá, Deputy Director of Research at Fiocruz, explains the main issues to be addressed in the conference “Public Health and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean”.

Vol. 22 • n. 4 • Out.-Dec. 2015

EDITORS’ NOTE Cueto, Marcos; Silva, André Felipe Cândido da · text in English | Spanish ANALYSIS On the emergence and consolidation of bioethics as a discipline, as seen from a sociological perspective Irrazábal, Gabriela · abstract in English | Spanish Hansen’s disease in the state of Amazonas: policy and institutional treatment of a...

Del turismo escolar y sanitario infantil al turismo social

Perla Bruno analiza momentos distintos de las colonias de vacaciones para niños en Buenos Aires: de la lucha antituberculosa al fomento del turismo social a fines de 1940.

New issue of HCS-Manguinhos is available online

This new issue features 19 articles about different aspects of health and science.

For an inclusive health care model

In the editor’s note of the new issue of HCSM, Marcos Cueto and André Cândido da Silva discuss the importance of the Declaration on Primary Health Care and show their concern about the future of Brazilian journals.

Faces of an Aids-free generation

This UNAIDS book tells the stories of 12 African mothers living with HIV and their children born free of the virus.