Gender and assistance: historical and conceptual considerations regarding assistance practices and policies
Ana Paula Vosne Martins
text in english
From the agricultural colony to the hospital-colony: configurations for psychiatric care in Brazil in the first half of the twentieth century
Ana Teresa A. Venancio
text in english
Notes on hospital architecture in Brazil: between the traditional and the modern
Renato Gama-Rosa Costa
Men of the sugarcane fields and their hospitals: the architecture of health under the Estado Novo
Marcia Rocha Monteiro
The health education of folk midwives: the Serviço Especial de Saúde Pública and mother-child assistance (1940-1960)
Tânia Maria de Almeida Silva, Luiz Otávio Ferreira
text in english
Without pain you will bring forth children: medical power, gender, and politics in new forms of assisted childbirth in Argentina (1960-1980)
Karina Felitti
Mothers, children, and the policies of Chile’s Servicio Nacional de Salud (1952-1964)
María Soledad Zárate Campos, Lorena Godoy Catalán
Maternity protection for working women in Argentina: legal and administrative aspects in the first half of the twentieth century
Carolina Biernat, Karina Ramacciotti
text in english
Poverty and assistance in Rio de Janeiro under the First Republic
Cláudia Maria Ribeiro Viscardi
Scientific charity: Moncorvo Filho and the Instituto de Proteção e Assistência à Infância of Rio de Janeiro (1899-1930)
Maria Martha de Luna Freire, Vinícius da Silva Leony
Healthcare professions: a critical analysis of care
Lina Faria, Luiz Antonio de Castro Santos
Biographies as a possible path in the construction of a professional identity in the field of nursing
Maria Itayra Padilha, Sioban Nelson, Miriam Susskind Borenstein
Philanthropy, government, and the fight against leprosy (1920-1945)
Vicente Saul Moreira dos Santos
Training and providing assistance: images of Curitiba’s Senai school in the 1940s and 1950s
Vera Regina Beltrão Marques, Desirê Luciane Dominschek
Pro Matre: an archive and sources on the history of motherhood in Rio de Janeiro
Maria Renilda Nery Barreto
French lines in Recife architecture: Pedro II Hospital
Geraldo Pereira
State, civil society, and health policies in Europe (nineteenth and twentieth centuries)
review by Cristina M.O. Fonseca on Health institutions at the origin of the welfare systems in Europe, by Pilar León Sanz
text in portuguese
The promotion of women in social space as an effect of the regulation of motherhood and childhood
review by Ana Laura Godinho Lima on Mulheres, mães e médicos: discurso maternalista no Brasil, by Maria Martha de Luna Freire
text in portuguese
Reconstructing motherhood: pediatric and obstetric discourse in women’s magazines in the 1920s
review by Ismael Gonçalves Alves on Mulheres, mães e médicos: discurso maternalista no Brasil, by Maria Martha de Luna Freire
text in portuguese
From the dream of social ascent to the life of a laborer: shop clerks in Rio de Janeiro at the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth centuries
review by Gisele Sanglard on Proletários de casaca: trabalhadores do comércio carioca (1850-1911), by Fabiane Popinigis
text in portuguese