Vol. 14 • n. 3 • July.-Sept. 2007



Child health in Latin America: historiographic perspectives and challenges
Anne-Emanuelle Birn

Art, medical treatment and insanity: a territory in flux
Elizabeth Maria Freire de Araújo Lima and Peter Pál Pelbart 

Dr. Voronoff’s curious glandular xeno-implants
Ethel Mizrahy Cuperschmid and Tarcisio Passos Ribeiro de Campos

The ailing colony and the health of the people: the medicine of the Enlightenment and information about the infirmities in Portugal’s American colonies
Jean Luiz Neves Abreu

Life in their eyes, heart in their hands: conceptions and representations of women in the process of health and disease
Glauce Dias, Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini, José Roberto Reis, Roberta Sena Reis, Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista and Rosângela Minardi Mitre Cotta

Fragments of the history of healthcare for users of alcohol and other drugs in Brazil: from Justice to Public Health
Ana Regina Machado and Paulo Sérgio Carneiro Miranda

The worker and the hysteric: two modern subjects
Luciano da Fonseca Elia 

The orientalization of the West as a surface of emergence for new paradigms in health
Maria Inês Nogueira and Kenneth Rochel de Camargo Jr.

Shen: structuring category in the rationale of Chinese medical
Claudia dos Santos Ferreira and Madel Therezinha Luz

The origins of the basic healthcare system in Brazil: the District System of Sanitation Administration
Carlos Eduardo Aguilera Campos

Rites of sacrifice: the survival of an ancient dimension of the human body
Andrea Lessa 

Social and scientific utopias in late 19th century Brazil
Adalmir Leonídio

The scientific exploits of the naturalist Martim Francisco Ribeiro de Andrada in São Paulo capitania (1800-1805)
Alex Gonçalves Varela and Maria Margaret Lopes

An unpublished manuscript by naturalist and politician Martim Francisco Ribeiro de Andrada
Alex Gonçalves Varela

Photography as analysis document, body and medicine: theory, method and criticism – the experience of Museo Nacional de Medicina Enrique Laval
César Leyton Robinson and Andrés Díaz Caballero

Narratives created by images: photography, collective health and the construction of memory in the writing of local history
Luís Reznik and Marcelo da Silva Araújo

Physicians and pharmacists in Uberabinha (1890-1920): conflicts and disputes
Antônio de Pádua Bosi

The dialectics of power in colonies
• review by Paulo Cavalcante on O sol e a sombra: política e administração na América portuguesa do século XVIII, by Laura de Mello e Souza
text in portuguese

On the pace of invention in modern Brazil
• review by Ana Maria Mauad¨ on Hello, hello Brazil: popular music in the making of modern Brazil,
by Bryan McCan
text in portuguese

The old-fashioned modernism of Ronald de Carvalho
• review by Dominichi Miranda de Sá on O Brasil e os dias: Estado-nação, modernismo e rotina intelectual, by André Botelho
text in portuguese

The inexact routes of science
• review by Letícia Borges Nedel on A ciência como profissão: médicos, bacharéis e cientistas no Brasil (1895-1935), by Dominichi Miranda de Sá
text in portuguese

The subjects of Momo in the white Republic: chronicles and carnival in the press
in Rio de Janeiro
• review by Vera Lúcia Bogéa Borges on Os cronistas de Momo: imprensa e Carnaval na Primeira República, by Eduardo Granja Coutinho
text in portuguese

Paroxysms and ambivalences, sociotechnics
• review by Caco Xavier on Precariedades do excesso: informação e comunicação em saúde coletiva,by Luis David Castiel and Paulo Roberto Vasconcellos-Silva
text in portuguese

Spanish flu in Bahia: health, politics and medicine in times of epidemics
Christiane Maria Cruz de Souza
text in portuguese

Anatomy of difference: a theoretical and descriptive investigation into handicaps from an everyday perspective
Ray Pereira
text in portuguese

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