Samuel Pessoa: a scientific trajectory in the context of public health campaigns and developmentalism in Brazil
Carlos Henrique Assunção Paiva
British medicine in the Peruvian Andes: the travels of Archibald Smith M.D. (1820-1870)
Jorge Lossio
text in english
Epigenetics and genetic determinism
Hernán A. Burbano
text in english
The epidemiological profile of work accidents in the Vale dos Sinos and the workers’ health surveillance system
Élida Azevedo Hennington and Márcia Monteiro
The social sciences and physical therapy: a possible nexus
Patrícia Froes Meyer, Íris do Céu Clara Costa and Vânia de Vasconcelos Gico
Polytechnicians or mathematicians?
Circe Mary da Silva
Science and history in the report by the First Republic’s Comissão Exploradora do Planalto Central
Moema de Rezende Vergara
Pajé: reconstruction and survival
João Bosco Botelho and Hideraldo Lima da Costa
The campaign against the coffee borer in São Paulo (1924-1927)
André Felipe Cândido da Silva
Towards a recovery of the documental memory of sciences and agriculture: the Instituto Biológico de São Paulo’s collection
Márcia Maria Rebouças
Selling health! A new look at old-time pharmacy almanacs
Mario Luiz Gomes
The healthcare system for slaves in nineteenth-century Brazil: disease, institutions, and treatment practices
Ângela Pôrto
• Mameluca culture: from colonization to stigma
review by Francismar Alex Lopes de Carvalho on O sertão itinerante: expedições da capitania de São Paulo no século XVIII, by Glória Kok
text in portuguese
• Museums, heritage, and power: reflections on the practices of memory in modernity
review by Kátia Lerner on Museu, memória e esquecimento: um projeto da modernidade,
by Marcos José Pinheiro
text in portuguese
• Following the pathways of Paulo Carneiro, a universal Brazilian
review by Maria Amélia M. Dantes on Ciência, política e relações internacionais: ensaios sobre Paulo Carneiro, by Marcos Chor Maio (org.)
text in portuguese
• A living history for a flesh-and-blood psychiatry
review by Luis Ferla on El siglo de la clínica: para una teoría de práctica psiquiátrica,
by Rafael Huertas
text in portuguese
• Rethinking interracial unions in Brazil
review by Moema de Poli on Razão, “cor” e desejo, by Laura Moutinho
text in portuguese
• On line meeting point: editors discuss experiences and exchange ideas
text in portuguese
text in portuguese