November, 2018

“The Exodus from Newport News Caused by the Yellow Fever Outbreak,” Harper’s Weekly, August 12, 1899. Source: University of Virginia School of Medicine.
In the early nineteenth century, Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz, in the Gulf of Mexico, was one of the country’s most important port cities.
While commercial links between Mexico and the United States through the port city of Veracruz brought significant economic and social advantages, public health concerns around yellow fever produced fascination and fear among US audiences.
The article Commerce, conflict, and contamination: yellow fever in early-independence Veracruz in the US imaginary, 1821-1848 (HCSM vol.25 no.3 July/Sept. 2018) addresses the concern in US periodicals around yellow fever outbreaks.
The author Beau D.J. Gaitors, Assistant Professor of History, Politics, and Social Justice at Winston-Salem State University addresses the complex linkages between commerce and contamination in Mexico’s early decades of independence showing the constant presence of yellow fever in Veracruz in the US imaginary.
The yellow fever in Manguinhos:
Not a polar island: yellow fever in late nineteenth century Cuba – It analyses the struggle for medical and sanitary hegemony, which revolved essentially around that disease.
Some thoughts on yellow fever – Michael Osborne, professor of History of Science at Oregon State University, talks about his current work on yellow fever and his priorities as the new president of DHST.
Theories about the propagation of yellow fever – Soraya Lódola and Edivaldo Góis Junior did a documentary research about the scientific debate on yellow fever in the Brazilian press between 1895 and 1903.
Tropical medicine in the 19th and 20th centuries. Editor’s note of HCS-Manguinhos (vol.21, no.2, Apr./Jun. 2014) by Jaime Benchimol.
Alcalá Ferráez, Carlos. De miasmas a mosquitos: el pensamiento médico sobre la fiebre amarilla en Yucatán, 1890-1920. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Mar 2012, vol.19, no.1, p.71-87. ISSN 0104-5970
Mónica García, Claudia. Las ‘fiebres del Magdalena’:medicina y sociedad en la construcción de una noción médica colombiana, 1859-1886. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Mar 2007, vol.14, no.1, p.63-89. ISSN 0104-5970
Caponi, Sandra. El veneno y el mosquito: aspectos epistemológicos de la etiología y la profilaxis de la fiebre amarilla. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Oct 2000, vol.7, no.2, p.251-282. ISSN 0104-5970