Nov 2014
From SciDev.Net
Roberto Bertollini, chief scientist of the WHO Regional Office for Europe and WHO representative at the European Union, talks to SciDev.Net about the organisation’s strategy to control Ebola, the media’s role in this and the risks that other African countries and Europe face.
Despite the successes achieved in Nigeria and Senegal, which are now Ebola free, gaps that remain in the health system response capacity must be urgently addressed. According to Bertollini, the most pressing is the lack of beds in hospitals, which at the moment can host only a quarter of patients.
More about ebola and other diseases in Africa:
Interview with Gareth Austin, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
Ebola crisis pushes health linkups to top of agenda.
Ortega Martos, Antonio Miguel. “¿Colonialismo biomédico o autonomía de lo local?: sanadores tradicionales contra la tuberculosis.” Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Dic 2010, vol.17, no.4, p.909-924. ISSN 0104-5970