September 2023
Inequality is a global, structural problem, particularly in the poorest countries. The covid-19 pandemic exacerbated this historic problem in Latin America and the Caribbean and deepened uncertainties concerning basic human needs.
The article Socioeconomic inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean: the post-pandemic future for the training of health professionals presents an overview of the subject based on official reports from international agencies (PAHO, WHO, ECLAC) between 2019 and 2022. It discusses some paths for the training of health professionals in Brazil, and it also investigates how health practices could be changed to ensure greater social protection for vulnerable populations, based on the proposals of Paulo Freire and Edgar Morin.

The article looks at some scenarios for post-pandemic health education based on the ideas of Paulo Freire and Edgard Morin and in contexts marked by socioeconomic inequalities.
Photo: Bruno Cecim/Agência Pará Agência/ Câmara de Notícias
According to various reports from these international agencies, investments in social protection policies aimed at the most vulnerable populations, such as investments in the care economy and human resources, will be fundamental to minimizing the damage caused by inequalities, in addition to promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth and reduce violence and social injustices.
Written by researchers of Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia Lina Faria, Rocío Elizabeth Chavez Alvarez, and Luiz Antonio de Castro Santos, this article is part of the dossier Covid-19 in Latin America: conflicts, resistances and inequalities.
Faria, L., Alvarez, R. E. C., & Santos, L. A. de C.. (2023). Desigualdades socioeconômicas na América Latina e Caribe: o futuro pós-pandemia para a formação profissional na saúde. História, Ciências, Saúde-manguinhos, 30, e2023029.
Read the dossier “Covid in Latin America” (Volume 30, supplement1, 2023)