September 2020
The papers in this special issue on the history of global public health were prepared and discussed before the tragic covid-19 pandemic. However, their findings and discussions are relevant to the moment we are experiencing today, when Covid-19 is a challenge to the common assumptions of transnational health institutions and actors.
This special issue explores the characteristics, implications, and potentialities of the history of global health – a perspective that can be applied to different periods.
The articles in this dossier explore topics such as historical epidemiology, pubic health campaigns and programs, cross-border pandemics, the legacies of colonial medicine, and the role played by institutions such as the World Health Organization and International Labor Organization. Finaly, the papers in this special issue indicate that global health history – or the global history of health – has diverse meanings and should be examined in its plurality.
Cueto, Marcos, Rodogno, Davide and Bourbonnais, Nicole. The meaning(s) of global public health history. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Sept 2020, vol.27, suppl.1.
See our special issue: