Sept 2015
The History of Vaccines is an award-winning informational website created by The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, one of the oldest medical societies in the United States. It gathers articles, images and information to explore the role of immunization in the human experience and examines its continuing contributions to public health. All articles, four of the activities, and a historical line are available in Spanish.
Related articles already published in HCS-Manguinhos:
Nussenzweig, Ruth Sonntag. Breakthroughs towards a malaria vaccine. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, June 2011, vol.18, no.2, p.559-564. ISSN 0104-5970
Palmer, Steven, Hochman, Gilberto and Arbex, Danieli. Smallpox eradication, laboratory visits, and a touch of tourism:travel notes of a Canadian scientist in Brazil. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, 2010, vol.17, no.3, p.777-790. ISSN 0104-5970
Read the “Histories of poliomyelitis Dossier” published in the latest issue of HCS-Manguinhos (vol.22 no.3 Rio de Janeiro jul./set. 2015):
Alvarez, Adriana; Nascimento, Dilene Raimundo do. Losses and gains two decades after Latin America was declared a poliomyelitis-free zone.
Ballester, Rosa; Porras, María Isabel; Báguena, María José. Local health policies under the microscope: consultants, experts, international missions and poliomyelitis in Spain, 1950-1975.
Alvarez, Adriana, The medical, social and institutional challenges resulting from poliomyelitis: comprehensive rehabilitation in Argentina in the mid-twentieth century.
Chaple, Enrique Beldarraín. A battle won: the elimination of poliomyelitis in Cuba.
Sánchez, Juan Antonio Rodríguez; Santos, Inês Guerra. A disease of the distant past: information about poliomyelitis and post- poliomyelitis syndrome in the Spanish/Portuguese press, 1995-2009.