The history of a mosquito

October 2019

The arrival of the first African mosquito Anopheles gambiae in the Americas was recorded in March of 1930.

According to the article Anopheles gambiae in Brazil, published in the current issue of HCSM (July/Sept. 2019), the mosquito was found by Rockefeller Foundation  entomologist Raymond C. Shannon, who worked for the Cooperative Yellow Fever Service (SCFA) in Natal, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

Anopheles gambiae. Source: Latinstock

The article Anopheles gambiae in Brazil: the background to a “silent spread,” 1930-1932, by Gabriel Lopes Post-doctoral research intern at PPGHCS, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz analyzes the arrival and identification of this African mosquito and the initial reactions of scientists and public health authorities against the epidemics of malaria caused by this species.

Lopes argues that the mosquito’s presence was neglected after some initial emergency actions, resulting in a major malaria epidemic in 1938.

About mosquitoes in HCSM:

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