Jun 2022

Portada de la Gaceta Médica de México. In: RODRIGUEZ-PEREZ, Martha Eugenia; RODRIGUEZ-TOLEDO, Carlos Andrés y CRUZ-GAYTAN, Eduardo Iván. At 100 years of Gaceta Médica de México resumption. Gac. Méd. Méx [online]. 2019, vol.155, n.5.
The article On being a physician: the Gaceta Médica de México as an unsystematized manual of knowledge, 1860-1890, published in the previous issue of HCS-Manguinhos (vol. 29 no 1, Jan-Mar 2022) discusses the role played by the Gaceta Médica de México in the process of institutionalizing and professionalizing scientific medicine in the country.
Through a qualitative analysis of medical reports, researcher Julio Cesar Pereira da Silva, Doctoral candidate in Social History at Universidade de São Paulo, examines how members of the Mexican National Academy of Medicine (the institution responsible for this journal) and the National School of Medicine collected their experiences and prescribed ways of being and acting through their publications.
The Gaceta Médica was first published in 1864. This was not the only journal published in México during the second half of the nineteenth century, but it was the country’s oldest scientific publication and it was the first national medical journal to circulate in different states of the Mexican Republic as well as other Latin American and European countries during the nineteenth century.
According to the article, the texts published in the Gaceta Médica not only contributed to developing and transforming norms and rules related to medical practice. While publications functioned as unsystematized manuals in the latter half of the nineteenth century, they also provided elements that helped establish other social rules related to a physician’s duties.
How to cite this article:
Silva, Julio Cesar Pereira da. On being a physician: the Gaceta Médica de México as an unsystematized manual of knowledge, 1860-1890. História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos [online]. 2022, v. 29, n. 1 [Accessed 8 June 2022] , pp. 81-99. Available from: <>. Epub 15 Apr 2022. ISSN 1678-4758. .
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