The editor’s note of HCS-Manguinhos’ latest issue (vol.29 no.1 Rio de Janeiro Jan./Mar. 2022) highlights the challenges facing history journals in the midst of the current scenario of uncertainties in Brazil.
Scientific editor, Marcos Cueto, and executive editor, Roberta Cardoso Cerqueira, draw attention to the collective editorial of the Forum of Editors of History Periodicals of the National Association of History (Anpuh), which highlights the role of scientific journals and their editorial teams in the circulation of knowledge.

Artwork by Fernando Vasconcellos. Art inspired in the International Hygiene Exhibition held in Dresden, Germany, in 1911. HCSM vol.29 no.1 Rio de Janeiro Jan./Mar. 2022
This letter provides visibility for an important text developed by and discussed as a collective editorial of the Forum of History Journal Editors of the National History Association (Anpuh) entitled “Support for policies that recognize the importance of academic journals in the field of History.” It was written at the end of 2021 and highlights fundamental elements in defense of article publication processes and the work done by journal teams.
The objective of this initiative is to stress the role of scientific periodicals in the circulation of knowledge that has been discussed and constructed based on archival evidence and interpretations, as well as call attention to the role of editorial teams (editors, the editorial board, peer reviewers, translators, copyeditors, secretaries, layout specialists, journalists and others).
See the full editor’s letter and the collective editorial “Support for policies that recognize the importance of academic journals in the field of History.
HCSM vol.29 no.1 Rio de Janeiro Jan./Mar. 2022