WHO elects Ethiopia’s Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as its new director general

Tedros will be the first director-general from an African country.

WHO Zika information resources available online

The WHO website put together information resources about the zika virus.

Fiocruz hosts international events on global health, ethics and leprosy

5-6 May 2016. Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro

Breastfeeding week. 1-7 August 2015

According to the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group, If every child was breastfed within an hour of birth, given only breast milk for their first six months of life, and continued breastfeeding up to the age of two years, about 800 000 child lives would be saved every year.

WHO and UNHCR issue new Guide on mental health in humanitarian emergencies

As Nepal struggles to deal with the physical aftermath of the recent earthquake, the country also has to deal with a rise in mental health disorders triggered by the disaster.

International cooperation for equity in health

This article analyzes the work of international organizations in health and the priorities of developing countries in this field since the 1990s.

The World Health Organization’s ebola response

Podcast interview with Roberto Bertollini, from the World Health Organization, about their strategy to control ebola.