Water and global health

In the 1980s, the UN implemented two large projects to guarantee sanitation and clean water for the population. This article by Christian McMillen, Professor of the Department of History at the University of Virginia examines both programs.

la Organización Mundial de la Salud en el desarrollo de la virología en España

María Isabel Porras (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) y María José Báguena (Universidad de Valencia) analizan el papel de los llamados “programas país” de la OMS en España desde su admisión en 1951 hasta 1975.

La salud global ayer y hoy

“La experiencia con la Covid-19 nos muestra los límites de una actuación global cuando no existe una institución global”. Esteban Rodríguez Ocaña, catedrático jubilado de Historia de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Granada, discute el papel de la OMS en la Europa de la posguerra y en esta pandemia de Covid-19.

Health Inequity during the Pandemic: A Cry for Ethical Global Leadership

This open letter calls for a task force to be created by WHO to face the impact of the pandemic among already vulnerable populations worldwide, providing support to regional production of generic drugs, supplies and equipment.

Covid-19 and Globalization Epidemics

“The terrible epidemic we are experiencing is evidence not only of the economic, social and environmental forces that neoliberalism unleashed, but also of its inability to build an inclusive future”. Marcos Cueto, science editor of HCS-Manguinhos.

Public health campaigns: getting the message across

This book edited in 2009 by the World Health Organization brings together posters from public health campaigns.

The World Health Organization: A history

The book written by Marcos Cueto (science editor of HCSM), Theodore M. Brown (University of Rochester) and Elizabeth Fee (in memorian, National Library of Medicine) was launched by Cambridge University Press.

Control de la Tuberculosis en Grandes Ciudades de Latinoamérica y el Caribe

La tuberculosis es un grave problema de salud pública en las Américas, en donde se estiman aproximadamente 23 000 muertos cada año por esta enfermedad, según los datos de la OMS.

Between art and information: communicating world health, 1948–70

This paper published in the Journal of Global History examines the World Health Organization’s emergent attitudes to public information.

Zika and Aedes aegypti: new and old challenges

The current issue of HCSM (vol.24 no.4 Oct./Dec. 2017) features a debate about the zika epidemic, which came to the fore when the disease raised a series of concerns related to birth defects.