One Health and new historical insights after pandemics

The Congress takes place in Lisbon, on June 14-16, 2023, and in Braga, on June 19-20, 2023. To participate in the online sessions, it is necessary to register. Check the links for online access.

Trachoma Campaign in São Paulo

In 1906, Doctor Emílio Ribas reorganized the Sanitation Service. A campaign to combat trachoma, an ophthalmic disease, was implemented as part of the project. This recent article analyzes this campaign.

The Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine in Moscow

Tropical medicine emerged as a specialized field in Europe during the era of colonial expansion. Russia had no colonies in the tropics, but did possess vast territories with hot climates. This review presents the 100-year history of the Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine in Moscow, Russia.

Fevers in the tropics

It explores how fevers affected social life in Brazil in the early nineteenth century and the efforts to establish medical knowledge about fevers in tropical environments.

Chagas disease and tropical medicine in Brazil, 1908-1909

The disease was discovered in 1909 by the Brazilian sanitary physician Carlos Chagas at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute.

The tropics, science, and leishmaniasis

The article investigates the process of circulation of knowledge which occurred during the first decades of the twentieth century between South American researchers and Europeans.

La investigación en medicina tropical

El artículo analiza dos modelos de investigación representados por los institutos Pasteur y The London School of Tropical Medicine.

Sandra Caponi (Universidade de Santa Catarina, Brasil) investiga los argumentos, conceptos y protocolos de investigación utilizados por estas instituciones.

Call for Papers: Workshop on the History of Tropical Medicine

The workshop will take place in Lisbon. Deadline for proposals: 15th September 2017

Tropical disease motion pictures

The US National Library of Medicine features an online collection of films about the battle against tropical disease between 1927 and 2007.

Public health and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean

Magali Romero Sá, Deputy Director of Research at Fiocruz, explains the main issues to be addressed in the conference “Public Health and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean”.