Food for tought

October 16th the World Food Day was celebrated under the theme “Our Actions are our future”. We highlight some articles published in HCS-Manguinhos that address the issue of food.

La cuestión sanitaria en la Guerra de Castas (Yucatán, México)

Este caso muestra que la aparición y dispersión de enfermedades epidémicas son fenómenos profundamente impactados por la variable de la guerra.

The future of the scientific article in the human sciences

In this issue, we present a new set of guidelines for authors, which are now more related to the open science movement. See the interview with Scientific Editor Marcos Cueto.

Our latest issue is online

In the first issue of 2021 we present a new section named “Covid-19 testimonies”, with texts written mainly by historians of health.

Lets talk about syphilis

HCSM have already published several articles about this curable and neglected disease. Today, we highlight three of them.

Eugenesia a través de la revista Viva Cien Años, Argentina, 1934-1947

La publicación Viva Cien Años, publicada en Argentina hasta 1947, surgió como un emprendimiento editorial dirigido por un grupo de médicos con una reconocida trayectoria en ámbitos académicos y científicos.

The battle to rebuilt centuries of history and science

One year after Brazil’s National Museum went up in flames that gutted the 200-year old colonial structure and destroyed nearly half of its irreplaceable contents, museum managers and researchers are slowly reconstructing what was one of Latin America’s most important museums.

25 years of História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos

Workshop “Present and future of history publications: 25 years of Historia, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos” June 26-28 at Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro.