Horizons and challenges

André Felipe Cândido da Silva and Marcos Cueto are the new science editors of História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos. Read the letter on forthcoming pathways.

Global health has a history

“Launching Global Health”, by Steven Palmer, illuminates the role played by international agencies in developing countries. Read the interview with the author.

Revisiting the Millennium Development Goals

Marcos Cueto analises some lessons from the experience of the MDG in the editor´s letter of HCSM’s first issue of 2015.

Ebola in West Africa: the economic implications

At the request of HCSM, Gareth Austin, from the International History Department of the Graduate Institute in Geneva, provides a panorama of the ebola epidemic in Africa.

Mega event, overrated legacy

According to Rory Miller, professor of the MBA Footbal Industries at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, few countries or cities secure a lasting positive legacy by hosting big sports events.