Covid-19 and Globalization Epidemics

“The terrible epidemic we are experiencing is evidence not only of the economic, social and environmental forces that neoliberalism unleashed, but also of its inability to build an inclusive future”. Marcos Cueto, science editor of HCS-Manguinhos.

Current Challenges to Health for all again

Global Health Histories Seminar 135: Sanjoy Bhattacharya (University of York) and Gustavo Corrêa Matta (ENSP/ Fiocruz) will discuss major challenges of primary health care.

La ciencia y el poder

Marcos Cueto abrió su charla en la última sección del taller por los 25 años de HCSM con un análisis de la relación conflictiva que siempre ha existido entre el poder y la ciencia.

The World Health Organization: A history

The book written by Marcos Cueto (science editor of HCSM), Theodore M. Brown (University of Rochester) and Elizabeth Fee (in memorian, National Library of Medicine) was launched by Cambridge University Press.

The promise of history: Astana, São Paulo, and the challenges in Brazil

science editors André Felipe Cândido da Silva and Marcos Cueto write about the crucial role of history in understanding the present.

II Taller de Historia de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Salud desde y sobre el Perú

El Taller está abierto a profesores y estudiantes universitarios, así como a profesionales interesados en la historia de la ciencia en el Perú.

The fire, the death and the hope

Our current issue is now available online.

HIV/AIDS, its stigma and history

Our science editors André Felipe Cândido da Silva and Marcos Cueto discuss the HIV prevention policy adopted in Brazil since December 2017: the pre-exposure prophylaxis.

Looking ahead to 2019: 25 years of HCSM

Our journal will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2019. In the editor’s note of our current issue, science editors André Felipe Cândido da Silva and Marcos Cueto reflected on the progress made so far and the hurdles still to be overcome.

Reconsidering the peripheral in global health

João Nunes (University of York) reviews this book considering its key contributions, which overall question commonly held assumptions about the origins and trajectory of international and global health.