A periodical in the face of adversity

The pandemic led to greater visibility for the field of the history of healthcare, and there was a significant increase in the number of times HCSM articles were accessed on the SciELO portal.

Medicine during the Nazi period and the Holocaust

“The initiative for almost all of these atrocities did not originate from political authorities, but from doctors themselves.” An interview with Volker Roelcke, professor of History of Medicine at Giessen University.

The future of the scientific article in the human sciences

In this issue, we present a new set of guidelines for authors, which are now more related to the open science movement. See the interview with Scientific Editor Marcos Cueto.

The end of AIDS’ exceptionalism in Brazil

The decline of the AIDS Programme in Brazil is the topic of a new article written by Marcos Cueto, Science editor of HCSM, and Gabriel Lopes Post-doctoral researcher at Casa Oswaldo Cruz / Fiocruz

Una historia del eurocentrismo científico

El libro ‘Una historia de la verdad en Occidente’, de Mauricio Nieto Olarte ofrece un panorama amplio de la historia del conocimiento. Acceda a la reseña de Marcos Cueto, editor científico de HCS-Manguinhos, publicada en el último número de la revista.

The race for a vaccine

The disputed race for the vaccine against the new coronavirus is the topic explored by Marcos Cueto, scientific editor of HCS-Manguinhos, in the Editor’s note of its new issue.

Medicina, salud y enfermedades

Una entrevista a Marcos Cueto, editor científico de HCS-Manguinhos, por Mariano Di Pasquale, Investigador y profesor en la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Cueto habla de las investigaciones que ha realizado y de otros otros temas de la historia de la medicina en América Latina.

Crisis sanitaria, política y social en Brasil

El dossier ‘Reflexiones en torno al Covid-19’, de la revista Forum de La Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LASA) arranca con un artículo de Marcos Cueto y Gabriel Lopes sobre las respuestas del Estado en el país más afectado actualmente por la pandemia, que es Brasil.

Chloroquine in Brazil: historical perspectives

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) at Kyoto University, Japan, has launched an online platform to collect and disseminate various perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic. Marcos Cueto, editor of HCSM, shares his thoughts on Brazil’s obsession with chloroquine.

El regreso de las epidemias

El tema principal de la entrevista de Marcos Cueto es la pandemia de Covid-19 en el contexto del capitalismo, neoliberalismo y globalización.