Leprosy in history

HCS-Manguinhos has published numerous articles, blog posts, and reviews about the disease. Topics and approaches include philanthropy and welfare concerning leprosy in Brazil, leprosy in colonial contexts, antileprosy campaign strategies and Hansen’s disease in the Amazon region.

The politics of segregation

This paper examines the First International Leprosy Conference held in Berlin in 1897.

Women involved in Brazil’s health policy on leprosy

Francieli Lunelli Santos and José Augusto Leandro examine the family profiles of women holding key decision-making positions in health policy concerning leprosy from the mid-1920s to the late 1940s.

Leprosy and segregation in colonial Mozambique

The paper indicates the different views on leprosy between locals, doctors and missionaries.

The anti-leprosy campaign in Colombia, 1920-1940

The article discusses the replacement of the segregation approach by a more general public health strategy.

Leprosy: a short history

The Centre for Global Health Histories publication examines leprosy’s impact on society from the medieval period up to the present day.

Fiocruz hosts international events on global health, ethics and leprosy

5-6 May 2016. Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro

Hansen’s disease in the Amazon Region

This article systematized the information on the history of Hansen’s disease, the public institutions and policies that addressed this disease in Amazonas.