history of medicine fellowships

The New York Academy of Medicine Library offers two fellowships in the history of medicine for 2018.

Postdoctoral Fellowships in the History of Medicine

The fellow will have teaching and administrative responsibilities in the department’s new online program in the history of medicine.

On the history of medicine in the United States

In this interview, published in HCS-Manguinhos, Charles Rosenberg, professor of the history of science at Harvard University offers reflections and considerations on the history of medicine and public health.

History of Medicine: Online Syllabus Archive

The National Library of Medicine’s online syllabus archive collects college and university course programs in the history of medicine and related areas.

Jobs: University of Liverpool Lecturer in the History of Medicine

Vacancy for temporary lecturer in the Department of Public Health and Policy, in affiliation with the Department of History. Closing date for applications: 30 April.