La campaña política en internet: el caso de España

Este estudio analiza las informaciones publicadas en sitiosweb y blogs en las últimas elecciones generales españolas, en 2011.

Liberalism in the Americas

This digital archive traces the rise and consolidation of liberal ideology and practice in Latin America during the long nineteenth century.

Global Health Social Science

This is an open access collaborative forum for anyone working in global health and using qualitative and participatory research methods. It aims to provide a space to share new resources and reflect on practice.

Job opportunity: Medical Humanities Advisor

The Wellcome trust is looking for someone with the ability to identify the very best research across the many academic disciplines that make up the medical humanities.

Launch of Latin America’s first public human genome database

The platform was developed as part of BIPMed, the Brazilian Initiative on Precision Medicine.

Convocatoria para el ingreso a la Carrera del Investigador Científico del CONICET

Hasta el 17 de diciembre se encuentra abierta la convocatoria de ingreso a la Carrera del Investigador Científico del CONICET.

Theories about the propagation of yellow fever

Soraya Lódola and Edivaldo Góis Junior did a documentary research about the scientific debate on yellow fever in the Brazilian press between 1895 and 1903.

HCS-Manguinhos features dialogs between health and education

The new issue explores the connections between health and education from different perspectives.

Acknowledgements to our 2014 referees

História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos enjoys the collaboration of scholars who offer their professional opinions regarding articles submitted to the journal.

La ciudad impura

El libro reconstruye una historia social de la tuberculosis en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires entre 1870 y 1950, analizando el modo en que la enfermedad atravesó la vida pública y la vida privada.