The anti-leprosy campaign in Colombia, 1920-1940

The article discusses the replacement of the segregation approach by a more general public health strategy.

On the history of medicine in the United States

In this interview, published in HCS-Manguinhos, Charles Rosenberg, professor of the history of science at Harvard University offers reflections and considerations on the history of medicine and public health.

The double life of misoprostol in Brazil

This drug is illegally used by women as an abortifacient and legally used in obstetric hospital wards.

A picture of the baby

This case study analyses the effects of ultrasound scans in women and babies in three Brazilian hospitals.

The medicalization of the body

HCS-Manguinho’s latest edition explores the effects of medical interventions in people’s bodies and lives.

“Si algo diferencia a la Argentina en la región es el servicio sanitario gratuito y de calidad”

Entrevista de Karina Ramacciotti al periódico página 12 sobre la salud pública en Argentina.

The biomedicalization of Brazilian bodies

The new issue of HCS-Manguinhos features articles examining the way biomedical techniques are taken up by private and public health in Brazil.

Una enfermedad sin precedentes en las Américas

José Moya,epidemiologo de la OPS/OMS Argentina, analiza las respuestas de los gobiernos de América Latina al zika y las consecuencias reveladas por la enfermedad.

Blog project relates gender and medicine

Nursing Clio is a an open access, peer-reviewed, collaborative blog project that ties historical scholarship to present-day issues related to gender and medicine.

Zika virus can cross the placenta at any stage of pregnancy

This recent research analyzed tissues of Brazilian pregnant women. One woman gave birth to a healthy baby despite the presence of the virus in her samples.