A history of the use of pesticides in Brazil, 1950-2002

This paper presents a history of the use and perception of pesticides in the state of Santa Catarina.

Our new issue is out!

It features articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese on a range of different topics.

La ciencia argentina recortada

En la carta de presentación del último número de HCSM, la editora invitada Karina Ramaciotti aborda los ataques contra la ciencia en su país.

Una desgracia anunciada

En entrevista a DW, Marcos Cueto analiza el brote actual de fiebre amarilla en Brasil desde una perspectiva histórica.

The new issue of HCS-Manguinhos is available online

This issue offers an invaluable collection of articles on the topic of mental health.

HCS-Manguinhos’s week in Scielo

During this week we will publish interviews, videos and texts about our next issue in Scielo’s blog.

The new issue of HCSM is available online

It features a dossier on different aspects of the cooperation between these countries, including knowledge transfer, epidemiology and Haitian immigration.

Malaria epidemics in Europe after the First World War

This paper discusses the initiatives against Malaria epidemics over this period and identifies them as early stages of an international approach to the control of the disease.

Ethics guidance on key issues raised by the Zika outbreak

The document released by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) presents recommendations on the domains of healthcare delivery and research.

“It is crucial to understand the social context of health and disease”

João Rangel de Almeida, of the Wellcome Trust, talks about the role of humanities and social sciences to improve health and about several projects supported by Wellcome in Low-and-Middle-Income-Countries.