La maternidad en la historia argentina, 1900-1946

Lea la reseña de Karina Felliti publicada en HCS-Manguinhos (vol.23 no.1 Jan./Mar. 2016).

Current issue online!

Readers will find articles that explore different aspects of disease: stigmatization, medical discourse and the role of media.

Railroads and tropical medicine in Brazil

This paper by Jaime Benchimol and André Felipe Cândido da Silva, our former and current science editors, shows how railways supported the development of tropical medicine in the First Republic.

Looking ahead to 2019: 25 years of HCSM

Our journal will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2019. In the editor’s note of our current issue, science editors André Felipe Cândido da Silva and Marcos Cueto reflected on the progress made so far and the hurdles still to be overcome.

Carlos Chagas in the Amazon, 1913

It reviews the 21 days expedition up the Yaco River, in Alto Purus, federal territory of Acre.

Control de la Tuberculosis en Grandes Ciudades de Latinoamérica y el Caribe

La tuberculosis es un grave problema de salud pública en las Américas, en donde se estiman aproximadamente 23 000 muertos cada año por esta enfermedad, según los datos de la OMS.

New issue online

It explores the relations between psychoanalysis and other forms of knowledge and practices that constitute the so-called psy cultures.

Historias de la poliomielitis

En el día mundial contra la polio preparamos una compilación de textos sobre el tema, una herramienta muy útil para investigadores.

La epidemia de gripe en Uruguay, 1918-1919

El trabajo analiza cómo se comportaron las elites médicas uruguayas ante la inminencia de una epidemia desconocida.

Food regulation in Brazil, 1889-1930

This paper spans the First Brazilian Republic (1889-1930) and shows that since its proclamation the issue of regulating the food trade was part of health policies.