The Amazon Forest in HCS-Manguinhos

HCS-Manguinhos has already published several articles on the Amazon forest from a historical perspective.

La creación de Escuela de Salud Pública de Buenos Aires, 1958

Hoy compartimos un artículo publicado en el último número de nuestra revista. El investigador argentino Federico Rayez explora los orígenes de la primera escuela universitaria destinada a formar médicos y otros profesionales de salud pública en Argentina hacia 1958.

Our latest issue is available online!

It features articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese on a range of different topics.

Methods of childbirth preparation

The article explores the dissemination of natural childbirth practices through an analysis of books and manuals.

Newspapers as sources for the history of medicine

Stories published by the press can also be a valuable source of research material. Read in Manguinhos!

La epidemia de cólera (1886-1887) en Mendoza, Argentina

Este artículo analiza los discursos de los actores políticos realizados durante y después de las pestes.

A history of anatomy

We highlight two articles published in HCS-Manguinhos on anatomy and drawing.

Biomedical knowledge in Mexico during the Cold War

This paper provides an overview of the state of Mexican genetics and biomedical knowledge during the second half of the twentieth century.

Transnational knowledge during the Cold War

Our current issue is now available online. It features a dossier on science during the Cold War, a period that affected not only technology related to the military and space races, but also research in biomedicine and other fields.