Current issue online!

Readers will find articles that explore different aspects of disease: stigmatization, medical discourse and the role of media.

Two calls for papers: philanthropy and homeopathy

HCSM recently announced two calls for papers to two different dossiers, one on the history of homeopathy in Latin America and the other on philanthropy an the state.

Convocatoria: La homeopatía en Latinoamérica, Portugal y España

HCSM convoca a todos los académicos que estudian las prácticas homeopáticas a enviar sus artículos para un dossier especial.

Our current issue is available online!

In this present issue we begin a new section: historiographical reviews.

HCSM features a dossier on the Red Cross’ work

It explores the technological innovations designed to alleviate the suffering of those impacted by war.

Science Communication in the Age of Social Media

Editors discuss the potential of social media for scientific journals .

The new issue of HCSM is available online

It features a dossier on different aspects of the cooperation between these countries, including knowledge transfer, epidemiology and Haitian immigration.

Ethics guidance on key issues raised by the Zika outbreak

The document released by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) presents recommendations on the domains of healthcare delivery and research.

La medicina colonial chilena

El sitio web de la Biblioteca Nacional de Chile reúne informaciones sobre la lucha contra las epidemias durante la Colonia.

Crises can trigger change

In the editor’s note of the new issue of HCSM, Marcos Cueto and André Cândido da Silva recall the tragic events of 2015, such as the Paris attacks, and stress the impact of the Internet on political participation.