A periodical in the face of adversity

The pandemic led to greater visibility for the field of the history of healthcare, and there was a significant increase in the number of times HCSM articles were accessed on the SciELO portal.

Historians and epidemics in Latin America

Our last edition of HCSM 2020 is out. It presents a historiographical review on Brazilian environmental history.

Eugenesia a través de la revista Viva Cien Años, Argentina, 1934-1947

La publicación Viva Cien Años, publicada en Argentina hasta 1947, surgió como un emprendimiento editorial dirigido por un grupo de médicos con una reconocida trayectoria en ámbitos académicos y científicos.

Una etnografía sobre personas viviendo con sida

Evangelina Anahí Bidegain, del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Ciudad de México, comenta el libro “Cuando la enfermedad se silencia” en el último número de HCSM.

Seriously international

Historian Peter Burke talks about how he discovered HCS-Manguinhos.

Transnational knowledge during the Cold War

Our current issue is now available online. It features a dossier on science during the Cold War, a period that affected not only technology related to the military and space races, but also research in biomedicine and other fields.

The fire, the death and the hope

Our current issue is now available online.

Eugenics in Mediterranean Europe and Latin America

HCSM’s new issue explores eugenic thinking and practice beyond the English-speaking world.

Migrants and refugees in HCSM

We selected papers and interviews that explore the relation between migration and health. World Refugee Day, 20 June – the United Nations.

HIV/AIDS, its stigma and history

Our science editors André Felipe Cândido da Silva and Marcos Cueto discuss the HIV prevention policy adopted in Brazil since December 2017: the pre-exposure prophylaxis.