The new issue of HCS-Manguinhos is available online

This issue offers an invaluable collection of articles on the topic of mental health.

Science Communication in the Age of Social Media

Editors discuss the potential of social media for scientific journals .

The new issue of HCSM is available online

It features a dossier on different aspects of the cooperation between these countries, including knowledge transfer, epidemiology and Haitian immigration.

Elecciones en el Perú: propuestas débiles para la salud

Víctor Zamora analiza las perspectivas para la segunda vuelta de la votación presidencial en el Perú.

Zika virus and rubella: similarities and differences

Researcher Ilana Löwy, from the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Médicale Paris, traces a parallel between the current zika epidemics in Brazil and past rubella outbreaks.

Salud pública en el México porfiriano

Ana María Carrillo hace un balance de los alcances y limitaciones de la salud pública del porfiriato, la cual se vio interrumpida de manera abrupta por la revolución iniciada en 1910.

Research and innovation in Latin America

This article investigates the development of a biotechnology aimed at cleaning Amazon soils contaminated with oil.

Launch of Latin America’s first public human genome database

The platform was developed as part of BIPMed, the Brazilian Initiative on Precision Medicine.

Politics, Society and Culture in Post-Conflict Peru

The journal Latin American Perspectives welcomes articles for its special issue about post-conflict Peru.

On the consolidation of bioethics as a discipline

Gabriela Izarrabal helps us to understand what is bioethics and the main issues in which the concept is usually applied, such as stem cell research, abortion and euthanasia.