Milk and modernity

Ideology and nutrition policies during the Vargas era
Article by Sören Brinkmann

Iron ore, economic geology and networks of experts between Wisconsin and the state of Minas Gerais, 1881-1914

Article by Georg Fischer

Capoeira circle or sports academy?

The emergence of modern styles of capoeira and their global context
Article by Matthias Röhrig Assunção

Ernst Hasenclever in Gongo-Soco

English exploitation of the gold mines in the state of Minas Gerais in the nineteenth century
Article by Debora Bendocchi Alves

Between the European past and the American future

Two papers about Brazil in the 1930s
Article by Karen Macknow Lisboa

Migrants on the periphery

Indigenous Brazilians, European and Japanese immigrants in the state of Paraná during the early decades of the twentieth century
Article by Ursula Prutsch

Sociotechnical healthcare networks for acupuncture

A case study on the basic training of medical students
Article by Maria Inês de França Roland and Reinaldo José Gianini

Formation of regional relations in a global context

Football rivalry between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo during the First Republic
Article by Christina Peters

Gilberto Freyre: theoretician of globalization?

Article by Debora Gerstenberger

The global constitution of the Brazilian nation

Issues concerning immigration in the 1930s and 40s
Article by Frederik Schulze