January 2022

Senior personnel of the Malaria Service of the Northeast [MSNE], in front of the MSNE laboratory in Aracati, Ceará, Brazil, 1939. Source: National Library of Medicine
In “Beyond Eradication: Scientific Partnerships in Brazil and the Malaria Service of the Northeast,” Gabriel Lopes focuses on an interesting episode in Brazilian public health history. In the 1930s, a new malaria-spreading mosquito from Africa suddenly showed up in northeast Brazil.
This dangerous disease vector’s arrival complicated an already-difficult situation in the country’s campaign to eradicate malaria. Dr. Lopes’s report presents how scientists from the Rockefeller Foundation’s International Health Division collaborated closely with Brazilian entomologists first, to understand the natural history of Anopheles gambiae and then, to work to eliminate it from the country.
The documentation he found in the archives has been critical for his research on these efforts. He notes that these findings help recalibrate our understanding of the transnational role of entomologists conducting fieldwork in the swamps and ditches to confront Brazil’s public health challenges.
Gabriel Lopes is a postdoctoral researcher at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz in Rio de Janeiro and has written extensively on the impact, implications, and history of A. gambiae’s accidental introduction to Brazil.
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