Peruvian women alleging forced sterilization seek justice

Mayo 2019

Source: PBS

Thousands of Peruvian women have been seeking justice, alleging they were sterilized without consent in the 1990s under an aggressive population control campaign carried out by the government of former President Alberto Fujimori. But in October, criminal charges were filed against Fujimori and several of his former health ministers. NewsHour Weekend special correspondent Kira Kay reports.

Related articles and stories in Manguinhos:

Chávez, Ana María Medina. Contexto social del debate sobre el control natal en Colombia en las décadas de 1960 y 1970: política, medicina y sociedad. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Dic 2014, vol.21, no.4, p.1467-1473. ISSN 0104-5970

Proyecto Quipu El objetivo es la creación de un archivo con testimonios de las víctimas de esterilizaciones forzadas durante el gobierno de Alberto Fujimori en el Perú.

Aborto y abandono en Perú, 1946 – El ensayo da cuenta del proceso criminal para determinar los responsables de la muerte de Augusta García Platas tras un aborto clandestino en Ayacucho.

Family planning in Peru during the 1960s – Raul Necochea provides a novel perspective on population-control programs and discusses the role of the many actors, such as US bilateral aid, Catholic and Protestant churches.

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