June, 20201

Click here to read our latest issue (HCSM 28 n2 Apr.-Jun. 2021).
Nine articles make up the “Analysis Section” of the new edition of HCS – Manguinhos (vol.28, n2, Apr.-Jun., 2021), which has the participation of researchers from Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, France, and Portugal.
Topics include the following: contributions from the social and human sciences to the Family Health Strategy in Brazil; science communication as a discourse; the ideal of a unified biology; health policies in Mexico during Porfírio Díaz government, among other topics.
The “Sources Section” presents the article “Between Alma-Ata and the Brazilian sanitary reform” about the history of the National Basic Health Services Program (Prev-saúde), which was implemented in 1979.
Inaugurated in the first issue of this year, the “Section Covid-19 Testimonies” presents four articles analyzing the impact of covid-19 in Peru, Ecuador and Brazil.