April 2022
The latest issue of HCS-Manguinhos (vol.29 no.1 Rio de Janeiro Jan./Mar. 2022) features articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese on a range of different topics.
This issue features topics such as knowledge of healing practices and plants, the circulation of medical knowledge in South America, mental hygiene in early childhood, the Gaceta Médica de México and the process of institutionalizing scientific medicine, eugenics, and syphilis in Spain during the first Franco regime and the German Hygiene Museum, among other themes.
The editor’s note highlights the challenges facing history journals in the midst of the current scenario of uncertainties in Brazil. Scientific editor, Marcos Cueto, and executive editor, Roberta Cardoso Cerqueira, draw attention to the collective editorial of the Forum of Editors of History Periodicals of the National Association of History (Anpuh), which highlights the role of scientific journals and their editorial teams in the circulation of knowledge.
In the section Testimonies of Covid19, historians write about the pandemic in Chile and Colombia.
Enjoy the reading!