June 20th 2018, UN World Refugee Day
To mark UN’s World Refugee Day, we highlight two articles and interviews published in HCSM about migration and health. A range of topics is discussed, including the access of migrants to public health and their contributions to local medicine.

Nearly 4 to 6 thousand Venezuelans are now living in Boa Vista, Acre, Brazil – Marcelo Camargo / Agência Brasil
The paper The inclusion of international migrants in Brazilian healthcare system policies: the case of Haitians in the state of Amazonas (HCSM vol.23 no.2 Apr./June 2016) examines how the Brazilian Unified System (SUS) responded to the demands placed by this unexpected contingent of new users. Researcher Fabiane Vinente dos Santos (Fiocruz Amazônia), describes some aspects of the most critical immigration period (March 2010-March 2012) and of the public healthcare system’s reception of these Haitian newcomers.
With a different perspective of immigration, Unexpected healers: Chinese medicine in the age of global migration: Lima and California, 1850-1930 (HCSM vol.25, no.1, enero/marzo 2018) also explores the social and political factors that determined how this foreign medical knowledge adapted to its new environments.
University of California, Davis) discusses uses a comparative approach to examine the diverging trajectories of Chinese healers in Peru and the USA. The paperWe also interviewed scholars about the relation between migration and health. Dr. Michael Knipper, of the University of Giessen, analyzed Germany’s recent elections (October 2017) and its consequences for immigration policies. Patrick Zylberman, chair of the history of health at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, Paris, explored issues related to the impact of war, religion and migration in global health.
See in our blog!
Global Public health and National Security: an historical perspective – Patrick Zylberman analyzes the impact of war, religion and migration in global health.
Haitian immigrants in Brazilian healthcare system – It examines how SUS responded to the demands placed by this unexpected contingent of new users.
Medicina china en la era de migración global – El artículo aborda los factores sociales y políticos que determinaron la adaptación de la medicina china en Lima y California, 1850-1930.
The new Bundestag: refugees and health -An interview with Dr. Michael Knipper, of the University of Giessen, about Germany’s recent elections and immigration policies.