birth; natural childbirth; painless childbirth; manualsJune 2019

GOODRICH JR., Frederick W. Parto natural: guia para os futuros pais. Rio de Janeiro: Atheneu. 1955. Click on the image to see the article.
Methods of childbirth preparation: a study of printed matter published in Brazil in the mid-twentieth century explores the dissemination of natural childbirth practicesexplores the dissemination of natural childbirth practices
The article published in our current issue (HCSM vol.26 no.1 Rio de Janeiro Jan./Mar. 2019) was written by five researchers:
The study analyses the books Natural Childbirth: a manual for expectant parents, written by U.S. obstetrician Frederick Goodrich Jr. in 1950 and first published in Brazil in 1955, and of Parto natural sem dor, written by Brazilian obstetrician George Beutner in 1962.
According to the authors, these books found a place in Brazilian culture and influenced thinking about childbirth and delivery in the field of Brazilian obstetrics and in representations of women.
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