In the current issue of HCS-Manguinhos (vol.26 no.3 July/Sept. 2019), Mariano Di Pasquale discusses the medical knowledge and moral reflections during the Rosas era at Buenos Aires, from 1835 to 1847.

Physician Diego Alcorta
The article analyzes how medical discourse incorporated a series of reflections on moral behaviors in Buenos Aires in the early nineteenth century. Based on the study of three texts authored by the physicians Diego Alcorta, Guillermo Rawson and Francisco Javier Muñiz, it identifies a series of discursive registers that stress the role of organ functions, the question of heredity and the influence of climate in reflections on the morality of individuals and populations.
This phenomenon of knowledge transfer is due to the presence of the French medical tradition, in addition to local factors stemming from the intense process of politicization of society under the second administration of Juan Manuel de Rosas.
Di Pasquale is assistant researcher and adjunct professor at the Instituto de Estudios Históricos/Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero-Consejo Nacionalde Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Read the article:
Medical knowledge and moral reflections during the Rosas era: Buenos Aires, 1835-1847, article by Mariano Di Pasquale (HCS-Manguinhos, vol.26 no.3 July/Sept. 2019)