LASA travel grants 2017

Febrero 2017

The Health, Science, and Technology (HST) section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) offers individual travel grants to help its members alleviate the costs of attending the LASA International Congress in Lima, April 29-May 1, 2017. 

Applicants must be current members of LASA and the HST section with an accepted proposal to the LASA 2017 International Congress in Lima. Applications must be submitted no later than March 1, 2017.

Applications for a HST section travel grant should consist of i) a copy of the applicant’s CV, ii) a letter including name of the presenter, title of the presentation, and abstract, as well as iii) a copy of the email from the LASA Organizing Committee confirming the acceptance of their presentation. These three documents should be sent to Raul Necochea ( no later than March 1, 2017.

Individuals who apply for a travel grant must be paper presenters. Workshop participants, chairs, discussants, and organizers are not eligible for a grant.

The HST section will offer up to two travel grants consisting of $500 each.

Presenters residing in Latin America and student presenters will be given priority in the grant awarding process.

The funds will be provided to the grantee(s) at the LASA 2017 International Congress.

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