June 2016
The article International cooperation in health: the case of Fiocruz reviews the trajectory of international cooperation in the light of the adjustments made at the leading international conferences on the topic (Buenos Aires, 1978; Rome, 2003; Paris, 2005; Accra, 2008; and Busan, 2011).

Fiocruz was responsible for an international cooperation project to transfer Brazilian technology: The Antiretroviral Factory in Mozambique that aims to reduce Mozambican dependence on foreign drug donors, especially drugs to treat HIV/Aids.
Written by Fiocruz researchers José Roberto Ferreira, Claudia Hoirisch, Luiz Eduardo Fonseca and Paulo Marchiori Buss, it aligns these new approaches with the practices Fiocruz has adopted, such as not focusing exclusively on specific diseases or health issues and addressing health from the perspective of its biological, social and environmental determinants.
Since 2009, Fiocruz has been working on the implementation of the “structural cooperation” process, which is planned in a joint efforts with its partners. Fiocruz has also sought to promote mutual accountability and harmonization as strategic elements of cooperation, as well as promote cooperation networks with partner countries.
Related articles in HCS-Manguinhos:
Fiocruz as an actor in Brazilian foreign relations in the context of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries: an untold story. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Mar 2015, vol.22, no.1, p.153-169. ISSN 0104-5970
For more articles about south-south cooperation see the latest issue of HCSM: Bioethics and global health in the Americas.