January 2017
The article Subnormality under debate: discourses and policies on intellectual disability during the late Franco regime, by Mercedes Del Cura (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España), discusses this disability and that period.
During the last two decades of the Franco dictatorship, intellectually disabled people became an object of concern on the part of Spanish society.
This debate was stoked by ideas circulating in the international setting about the right of the intellectually disabled to integrate into society and enjoy the same opportunities as other individuals.
This article seeks to identify the circumstances that led to the emergence of this concern and the elements that helped construct the discourses on intellectual disability during the later years of the Franco regime.
Read in Manguinhos:
Del Cura, Mercedes. La subnormalidad a debate: discursos y prácticas sobre la discapacidad intelectual en el segundo franquismo. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Dic 2016, vol.23, no.4, p.1041-1057. ISSN 0104-5970
Freire, Gilberto Martins and Rodrigues, Graciele Massoli Sobre “Cuerpo, discapacidad y estigma en el origen del campo del deporte adaptado de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 1950-1961: ¿una mera interiorización de una identidad devaluada?”. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Dic 2015, vol.22, p.1789-1791. ISSN 0104-5970
Martínez-Pérez, José. El obrero recuperado: medicina del trabajo, ortopedia y tecnología médica en la imagen social de las personas con discapacidades (España, 1922-1936). Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Jun 2006, vol.13, no.2, p.349-373. ISSN 0104-5970
Tabernero, Carlos, Jiménez-Lucena, Isabel and Molero-Mesa, Jorge. Colonial scientific-medical documentary films and the legitimization of an ideal state in post-war Spain. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, 2016, no.ahead, p.0-0. ISSN 0104-5970
Menéndez-Navarro, Alfredo and Vázquez, Luis Sánchez. La protección radiológica en la industria nuclear española durante el franquismo, 1939-1975. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Set 2013, vol.20, no.3, p.797-812. ISSN 0104-5970
Ballester, Rosa, Porras, María Isabel and Báguena, María José. Políticas sanitarias locales puestas a prueba: consultores, expertos, misiones internacionales y poliomielitis en España, 1950-1975. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Set 2015, vol.22, no.3, p.925-940. ISSN 0104-5970