Mayo de 2023
In the 1930s, the Colombian government implemented the Healthy Child Contest to guarantee the future of the “race” and the nation. The contest gained traction in the 1930s with the rise of eugenics in Latin America. This scientific, social, and political international movement aiming to “improve the race” by regulating individuals’ sexuality and reproduction focused its attention on child protection.
In the article In search of the “ideal child”: The Colombian Healthy Child Contest, Professor of Latin-American History and Temporary lecturer at Faculté des Affaires Internationales/Université Le Havre, France, Iván Darío Olaya Peláez argues that it targeted low- and working- classes who were considered as the cause of not only their misery due to their depraved morals and vicious social behaviors but also the supposedly biological degeneration of the national population.
According to the contest’s directives, the candidates must “be exclusively breastfed until the age of six months, not have any signs of hereditary defects, not have any organic defects, and have personal hygienic habits and [dwell] in a hygienic household.”
As a medical and socio-political strategy implemented throughout the Americas, the National Healthy Child Contest remained another prophylactic and educational mechanism to control social health and private life to create a national identity. It also reflects the Colombian Liberal government’s will to “civilise” the population. To attain a higher degree of civilisation, improving education and sanitary conditions was not enough: it was necessary to modify the hereditary and biological component of the population to stop the degeneration process that had already started.
Experts from the Americas widely discussed the importance of implementing the contest during the Pan-American Sanitary and Child’s Congress as well as the three Pan-American Congresses of Eugenics and Homiculture.
About Eugenics:
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