Deep waters

March 22, World Water Day

El início de la fotografía subacuática, 1890-1910 (A izquierda) fotografía de la vida subacuática tomada con cámara sumergida; (a derecha) utilización de la cámara dentro de una caja hermética. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos vol.21 no.3 Rio de Janeiro Aug./Sept. 2014

To celebrate the World Water Day, we selected articles about seas, oceans and rivers as subjects of history.

Enjoy the reading!

Water and global health In the 1980s, the UN implemented two large projects to guarantee sanitation and clean water for the population. This article by Christian McMillen, Professor of the Department of History at the University of Virginia examines both programs.

Water and global health -In the 1980s, the UN implemented two large projects to guarantee sanitation and clean water for the population. This article by Christian McMillen, Professor of the Department of History at the University of Virginia examines both programs.

Carlos Chagas in the Amazon, 1913 – It reviews the 21 days expedition up the Yaco River, in Alto Purus, federal territory of Acre.

Argentina y el mar – Entrevista con Susana V. Garcia del Museo de la Plata, Argentina. El artículo, “La pesca comercial y el estudio de la fauna marítima en la Argentina”, es uno de los destaques de la última edición de HCS Manguinhos: Oeans and Seas.

The Beagle in Brazil – Gabriel Passetti analyses the writings of Robert FitzRoy about Brazil. The captain of HMS Beagle during Charles Darwin’s expedition was against slavery and critical of Brazilian economic and social structures.

The Kraken myth – Article discusses the myth of the sea monster and researches on the animal that have inspired it.

Lady of the sea – In this interview to HCSM, the specialist in oceans Helen Rozwadowski talks about her professional trajectory and about the sea as a subject of history.

El início de la fotografía subacuática, 1890-1910 – Alejandro Martínez, de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, habla sobre la historia de la fotografía subacuática y su importancia en la ciencia.

Oceans and seas: history, science, policy (HCSM 2014, vol.21, n.3).


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